On Some n-Involution and k-Potent Operators on Hilbert Spaces
Bernard Mutuku Nzimbi,
Beth Nyambura Kiratu,
Stephen Wanyonyi Luketero
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2017
15 May 2017
3 June 2017
14 November 2017
Abstract: In this paper, we survey various results concerning

-involution operators and

-potent operators in Hilbert spaces. We gain insight by studying the operator equation

, with


. We study the structure of such operators and attempt to gain information about the structure of closely related operators, associated operators and the attendant spectral geometry. The paper concludes with some applications in integral equations.
Performance Evaluation of Best-Worst Selection Criteria for Genetic Algorithm
Abid Hussain,
Yousaf Shad Muhammad,
Muhammad Nauman Sajid
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2017
27 September 2017
19 October 2017
20 November 2017
Abstract: Genetic algorithm’s performance is based on three major factors, which are selection criteria, crossover and mutation operators. Each factor has its own significant role but the selection criteria to choose parents from the population is the key role to running the genetic algorithm. There is a number of selection schemes that have been introduced in literature and all have their own advantages. Most of the selection criterion is chose the parents which give highly optimum values based on the theory that healthy parents produce healthy offspring. In the current study, we proposed a new selection scheme which selects healthy parents as well as unhealthy parents. The novel selection scheme is simple to implement, and it has notable ability to reduce the effected of premature convergence compared to other selection schemes. We apply this new technique along with some traditional selection schemes on six benchmark problems and Simulation studies show a remarkable performance of the proposed selection scheme.
Abstract: Genetic algorithm’s performance is based on three major factors, which are selection criteria, crossover and mutation operators. Each factor has its own significant role but the selection criteria to choose parents from the population is the key role to running the genetic algorithm. There is a number of selection schemes that have been introduced ...
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The Research of Discrete Mean - Variance Portfolio Problem with Time-Delay
Yuquan Cui,
Linlin Li,
Hua Liu
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2017
10 October 2017
26 October 2017
22 November 2017
Abstract: Due to the financial sector complicated variety of events, each financial problems from changes to know its essence, the change rule, from the change of strategy to formulate relevant policy and policy into effect, etc., the process inevitably has a certain lag. Therefore, in order to better reflect the actual situation, we study the portfolio model with delays in this paper. By joining our delay control item, the optimization model was established, the goal is to maximize earnings expectations. In this paper, it studies the continuous time without delay the mean - variance portfolio problems on the basis of existing research. It established auxiliary problem using the stochastic linear quadratic optimal control theory. Using the maximum principle, the solution of the optimal investment strategy are given and it analysis the case, the conclusion is in conformity with the actual. It studies the existing time delay portfolio strategy problem in discrete time case. Based on the stochastic LQ (linear quadratic) optimal control theory, it established the discrete time model with time delay. The paper has carried on the solution and example analysis.
Abstract: Due to the financial sector complicated variety of events, each financial problems from changes to know its essence, the change rule, from the change of strategy to formulate relevant policy and policy into effect, etc., the process inevitably has a certain lag. Therefore, in order to better reflect the actual situation, we study the portfolio mode...
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Choose Best Criteria for Decision Making Via Fuzzy Topsis Method
Muhammad Zulqarnain,
Fazal Dayan
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2017
10 October 2017
27 October 2017
24 November 2017
Abstract: Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) uses different techniques to find a best alternative from multi-alternative and multi-criteria conditions. TOPSIS is an important practical technique for ranking and selection of different alternatives by using distance measures. Classical TOPSIS uses crisp techniques for the linguistic assessments, but due to imprecise and fuzziness nature of the linguistic assessments, we faced some problems to find out the solution of these problems. We proposed a Fuzzy TOPSIS with its example in this work and use this method for decision making.
Abstract: Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) uses different techniques to find a best alternative from multi-alternative and multi-criteria conditions. TOPSIS is an important practical technique for ranking and selection of different alternatives by using distance measures. Classical TOPSIS uses crisp techniques for the linguistic assessments, but due to ...
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Analysis of the First Cracks Generating Between Two Holes Under Incremental Static Loading with an Innovation Method by Numerical Modelling
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2017
8 June 2017
23 October 2017
3 December 2017
Abstract: The application of Non-Explosive Expansion Materials (NEEM) has recently been increased in hard rock quarry mining, especially in granitic rocks. The most important mention in the quarry mining methods is determination of hole pattern, because it relates to cost of exploitation of the rock blocks, directly. It needs to predict the rock fracture process which it depends on the length of the first cracks and the growing to join together. A new algorithm has been suggested to evaluate of the first crack length by the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) theory. It requires determining a stress concentration factor which an experimental model has been utilized. A case study has been selected to verify of the numerical results which it is a granite mine in Iran. Numerical modeling has been applied to illustrate of rock fracture process and crack path and the results showed if the size of elements near the crack tip equal to grain size of the rock material or the ratio of the element length per diameter of the hole is selected about one per fifty, accuracy of the crack path prediction can be acceptable. On the other hand selection of an adequate rock slip criterion for crack planes is important, because of friction between two planes of a crack, plays an important role to predict of the crack growth. Also this research showed that Mohr-Coulomb criterion without cohesion is a suitable model for crack’s elements and Hoek-Brown failure criterion is an adequate model for rock substance.
Abstract: The application of Non-Explosive Expansion Materials (NEEM) has recently been increased in hard rock quarry mining, especially in granitic rocks. The most important mention in the quarry mining methods is determination of hole pattern, because it relates to cost of exploitation of the rock blocks, directly. It needs to predict the rock fracture pro...
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Calculator on Java Using the Method of Raoelina Andriambololona
Solofonjatovo Evariste Andriamasivelo,
Raoelina Andriambololona
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2017
20 November 2017
4 December 2017
2 January 2018
Abstract: The method of Raoelina Andriambololona consists to apply tools from matricial calculation and linear algebra in Arithmetics. This method permits to simplify arithmetic operations and to suppress many existing inconsistencies in writing, in enunciating, and in the four basic operations of arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The main objective of this article is to use this method to design a computer software using java language. We give here the kernel of the java program corresponding to the calculator, and an overview of the obtained results. This calculator displays the numbers from the left – hand side (L) to the right – hand side (R) in increasing order (i) and does all the operations in this order i.e. it performs the display and calculation in the same direction unlike current calculator in which displaying and calculation are performed in opposite directions. The result is quite consistent with the reading, the writing and all the operations in Malagasy language.
Abstract: The method of Raoelina Andriambololona consists to apply tools from matricial calculation and linear algebra in Arithmetics. This method permits to simplify arithmetic operations and to suppress many existing inconsistencies in writing, in enunciating, and in the four basic operations of arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisio...
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